November Blog Post

New Volunteer hours: 0

Total volunteer hours: 19

November has been the most difficult, yet most engaging, month thus far in the pharmacology masters curriculum. My favorite block in the month of November was the cardiology block, as we were able to participate in the simulation lab. As an aspiring physician, I am eager to take on any activity that will expose me to clinically relevant situations, and working through our patient simulation was a phenomenal way to get a better understanding of what a real-life ER room scenario would look like. However, for the majority of the month, our program focused on the renal and pulmonary systems. I never truly understood how interconnected the systems were until I saw the overlap of the renal and cardiovascular systems. I can now say that I have a greater appreciation for the complexity of treatment when it comes to patients that have diseases across multiple systems. I am looking forward to taking on our final module, GI and neoplasia, before heading off to the winter holiday. 

In other news, this month has been very exciting for me because I found out that I have been accepted into the next class at Tulane SOM. The pharmacology program has given me a very concrete foundation for what I anticipate learning in my second year here, and I am looking forward to continuing to build my foundation for the future. Over Thanksgiving break, I was able to go back to Florida and celebrate with my extended family as they all came down to spend the break with us. I have also taken this month to greater explore the city of New Orleans. Not only have I been going to various different restaurants, but I was also able to go to a pelicans game with Teddy, another student in the pharmacology program. Hopefully, I can get to a Saints game before the season is over!

Until next time!



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