April blog

Volunteering hours this month: 0 

Total volunteering hours: 12 hrs

    As the semester comes to a close, I wanted to briefly describe what the last month of the program was like and reflect on my experience in the pharmacology program as a whole. In the month of April, the main focus of the program was to concentrate on studying for the NBME shelf exam. During this time, my study group and I met daily to do an overview of every unit since basic pharmacology. I cannot stress the importance of having a few study group mates and how much that leads to success in the program. Moreover, I had a few presentations over the course of April. My endopharmacloogy presentation focused on psychological stress and stroke, while my elevator pitch for environmental pharmacology focused on smoking and air pollution's effects on stroke. Because I have a neuroscience and stroke research background, I appreciated the opportunity to tailor my research presentations to areas of my interest. 

   Looking at the larger picture, this program has benefitted me significantly. From a personal perspective, I have matured as a student and a scientist. What I appreciate from this program is the opportunity to practice literature search, review, and presentations continuously. Apart from my knowledge, my confidence has grown, and I feel much more prepared for medical school next year. Furthermore, I've greatly appreciated the support from the faculty in the pharmacology department. Every professor wants to see all students succeed, which is very apparent from the first day of the program. I look forward to incorporating the experience in this program into medical school and beyond. 

  As for the summer, I plan on taking a much-needed rest before starting medical school at Tulane University in the fall. I plan to spend time with family and visit my friends from undergrad. I also intend to write a review paper and continue my work in the Wang lab through the clinical neuroscience research center.     


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